Sunday, July 27, 2014

Speaking of Dot - Her 1st Communion Photo

This photo was in a folder labeled
Rappaport Studio
1431 Broadway
Bklyn, N. Y.
On the back of the folder in my Mom's (Rita O'D Fries) handwriting it says
Dorothy O'Donnell.
Dorothy looks so sweet and so pretty and I can see a bit of all
the O'Donnell siblings in her face. I spoke to my Aunt Margie O'Donnell Foulkes' daughter, Lynn Foulkes Fischer ( my Godchild) this evening and I would like to add some history that her Mother, Margie, shared with her. Because Margie was eight years younger than Dot and Dot had to be sent upstate New York to residential care at Craig Colony at a relatively young age, Margie didn't really get to know Dot very well. Margie also dreaded the long car ride required when the family went to visit Dot. By this point in her life, Dot was rather sickly and probably heavily medicated and I can only imagine a bit scary for a young, sensitive child such as Margie to witness. Also sometimes Margie was told that she reminded family members of Dot when Dot was younger. When Dot died at Craig Colony, she was waked in a room in a house in Friendsville, Pa. which I believe very likely was her Grandma Hannah Coleman's house which was located in Friendsville and was the place where Margaret Coleman O'Donnell and her children would vacation every summer. My Aunt Margie remembered the frightening experience of having to sleep upstairs in the same house where her dead sister's body was laid out. Dot was buried in the Friendsville Cemetery down the street from the Catholic Church and her Grandma Hannah Coleman's house. Possibly, some family members might like to take a trip together "to the country" to see the places important to the Coleman-O'Donnell Family!

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