Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Unusual Attire by Today's Standards

Apparently they dressed the boys differently "back in the day."
This is a photo of Michael J. O'Reilly, the son of Bridget Byrne O'Reilly and Patrick O'Reilly.  I met my Aunt Bridge when I was a young child and we were invited to spend a week or so at her farm house in St. Joseph, Pa. I remember her as a very, very old lady lying in her bed in one of the downstairs's bedrooms (I remember going behind the steps to get to her bedroom door) in the farmhouse on Route 267 across the road from St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church in St. Joseph, Pa.
I believe there may have been a cat lying on the bed quilt with her.   Once, while we were visiting in the summer, my brothers and I inadvertently ate her last zwieback cookie and my father had to drive all over creation (actually about 30 miles into a little "Ma and Pa" store on Pennsylvania Avenue) to find some more of them since these were the mainstay of Aunt Bridge's diet.  I'm not sure when Michael O'Reilly died but I don't remember ever meeting him.

1 comment:

  1. he was a farmer. Aunt Bridge ate that zwieback toast and a raw egg with red pepper on it every day and she still lived to be 94 or so, so much for eating a good balanced diet
