Sunday, March 4, 2012

Saw myself in the Grocery Line

I was standing in line waiting to check out at the Hannaford Supermarket the other day when a little girl in line directly behind me announced enthusiastically, " I love March".    I turned around to see who had spoken and there stood a lively, happy-looking, brown-eyed brunette.  I couldn't help but add my own enthusiasm to her spontaneous remark.  I love March too, I said but before I could say how wonderful it was that we could all get out "to play" again in the warmer, sunny weather that spring would bring, she added,
"my birthday is in March".
So is mine, I answered with childlike excitement.
What are the chances, I thought as I asked,  what day is your birthday?
"March 9th" she said. "I'll be 7 years old".
Wow, I said, My birthday is March 9th, too and I'll be 67 years old.
Her mother smiled at this unexpected transaction and, I, in my mind, subtracted 60 years and, for a very brief moment, saw myself standing there, innocent and unblemished by life.
Mary Beth Fries,
Feb. 1952 shortly before 7th birthday, P.S. 76, 2nd Grade

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