Saturday, February 20, 2010

Double Standard

Why is the Bachelor permitted - excuse me - I should say encouraged- to spend the night in the "fantasy suite" with several young women whereas the contestant (a woman) is thrown off the show for demonstrating a bit of interest in one of the producers? Not that I believe in this type of promiscuity for either sex but talk about double standards!
Watch her explanation on Monday night at 8PM on ABC.


  1. Your comments on "The Bachelor" strike me as an abrupt departure from the meaningful and thoughtful commentary that you have shared with the group to-date on your Blog. I know that allot of people follow these "reality" shows. But, it seems to me that they are more about sensationalism, fantacy and extreem acting out. They show the selfish,self gratifing and darker side of the human spirit. If the contestents are typical of the current human condition, I feel sad for where our culture is now heading. Is this the substance of what interests us today? I sure hope not!

  2. Yes, it may surprise some people that I watch what I refer to as my "silly show", "The Bachelor". It is a total departure from the reality of my life and I can separate myself completely from my current problems and concerns. When the Bachelor show first aired many seasons ago, I was horrified by the premise of this show. One guy has his choice of 25 gals. But I became interested in watching the next season when my niece was a contestant on the show. She was able to give us the inside scope of what went on behind the scenes. Also I have always found human behavior and the subject of love fascinating and this show contains both. What can I say? It is my guilty pleasure. MB

  3. Thanks for clarifying that for me. Keep up the fine work you've been doing with the Blog. You have a terrific memory and writing style. Regards...
