Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Turning 65

I will be 65 years old on March 9th and it scares the hell out of me. How did I get to be such an old lady? I still feel 16 years old on the inside. When kids at the grocery store register look at me I can tell they are seeing "an old lady" by the feedback I'm getting.
I was born in 1945 so technically I don't really meet the criteria to be labeled a "Baby Boomer". The Baby Boomer generation didn't really start until 1946. Nonetheless, I have always felt at home in that group, and I really like considering myself a part of that group, so let's just say I am at the forefront of the Boomers.
I have never had a blog before and it is the night before " the night before Christmas" and there is still so much to do to get ready for the big day, that I will stop here and write some more when I am a bit more alert and refreshed. I'm not a kid anymore and I need my rest. How does Hillary do it, I wonder? She is no kid either.
Mary Beth

1 comment:

  1. We are so with you. Both of us are '44's and so we can appreciate the "front runner" thing.

    So you will understand if one of us asks the question of the day "MB, Santa wants to know:

    'Have you been a good or bad girl, this year?'
    {Reply in private: Santa? NorthPoleat

    Merry Christmas!!
