Sunday, December 27, 2009

Thinking Back

In the last year or so I have started to look back over my life. They say that this is normal for people in my age group. I think about the paths I took, the detours I made and the paths I completely left behind.
I think about the people who loved me during my lifetime. I think what a wonderful gift this love has been. I would like to personally thank each and every person for the love they gave me since there is no better gift in life.
I think about my past relationships and what each meant to me. I believe that every person we have ever loved takes and holds a piece of our heart forever because love never dies. That doesn't mean everything is pie in the sky happiness at every moment in a relationship. Just ask Bob who sees me first thing in the morning and when I have gotten too sweaty on the treadmill and pull off the flannel nightgown and continue my slow jog in my birthday suit. The other day I was totally embarrassed when he came down to the basement and found me in this condition. I had nowhere to hid and what might have been a sexy sight 40 years ago was instead downright scary.
Some other random thoughts about blogging and life in general have been flying through my mind, especially during the middle of the night!! As a Boomer Front Runner, sleep is not what it use to be. I bet other Boomers remember the days when they could go out half the night and then sleep until noon or later the next day. Those days are gone. I hesitate getting up in the middle of the night to blog although honestly that is when my best ideas come to me. Maybe I'll try one of these nights to see if what I say makes any sense the next morning.
Yesterday at the 4PM mass Father Tony left us with the following message which originated with First Lady, Lady Bird Johnson: "Every day do a little bit more than you think you can". Lately it seems like every day the basic things I want to accomplish are a lot more than what I had hoped to do at the start of the day when my energy level is highest. Invariably, around 2 or 3 PM I need a nap or a the very least a rest, flat on my back, in bed. So basically, every day I end up feeling like I am doing a lot more than I think I can. Well, I could write more today but something tells me a Blog entry shouldn't be all that long. Have a great day, Mary Beth

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