Connor is here with us again tonight but his temperature appears to have broken, Thank God. Last night his temp went to over 104 degrees and that scares me.
I had my Advanced Writing Course this evening at Siena College after missing 3 classes while we were enjoying the lovely weather in Florida. I have some catching up to do as I also promised to bring in a little presentation of our recent trip South. I took so many photos and I am adding descriptive words and music and burning it to a DVD. I have also challenged myself by attempting to use almost exclusively words that begin with the letter "S" . It is an interesting exercise even if it sounds a bit bizarre. For ex., Sexy Seniors with suntanned shoulders swayed sensuously to Sinatra's Sixties songs. (By the way, this really happened in Bonita Springs when we ate dinner outside under the stars).
Tonight as a part of our class we were told to go to one of three local supermarkets and pick out two pieces of fresh produce (vegetables or fruits) that appealed to us for any reason and then bring them back to class by 7:00 PM. Rather interesting field trip wouldn't you say? When we got back to class our instructor guided us in the evening's project by asking us to look at our selections and describe their characteristics with as much detail as possible.
I went to The Fresh Market, the Market where the elite and well-to-do Loudonville Ladies buy their fresh products. I don't usually shop there because it is a bit too rich for my blood. Initially I thought of buying something practical and useful as that is the way my mind typically works. Then I thought, hey, why not go crazy. Look for something way out of your comfort zone and go for it. And so I did. I picked out two items that I had never heard of or remember ever seeing before in my life. The first thing I picked out is something called a celery root. Man is that thing ugly. I took a picture of it so you could see what I am talking about. My second choice was something called a tomatilla (I think I got it right). That was not nearly as ugly and basically looked like a small green tomato with a dry, peel-able skin on it. But since I had never heard of either of these items before, I decided to learn something new. The young man in the produce department was very knowledgeable and most willing to help. When he told me that the celery root was loaded with vitamins and added a lot of flavor to certain recipes, I decided to give it a whirl. Not sure yet what I am going to do with it yet besides describe it, but boy did I come up with some descriptive words. A few bordered on the obscene. After class, when I brought "my new find" home and showed it to Bob and Diane, they had a few choice words of their own to add to my description.
Mary, the cooker of celery root
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