As I was walking up to the Siena College Chapel for 12:30PM Mass today I started singing a song I often sing to myself as I walk. It is a song that always makes me think of my Mother. She really liked this song; I believe it was popular in her youth. I started liking the song more and more when I began to listen more closely to the words and I came to realize that they basically contained a good summarization of my mother's philosophy of life. Rita was noted for her smile. She was always smiling even when she was smiling in essence through her tears. Life wasn't perfect for my mother just as it isn't perfect for any of us, but my mother never gave up smiling. And no, it wasn't a superficial sort of thing that she plastered on her face. Rather, it was born of a deep realization of, and gratitude for, the many blessings in her life. My mother loved people, loved a party, loved a Manhattan, and loved going out for dinner. She also loved to cook for family and friends and even people who were little more than strangers. If you happened to be in the neighborhood or stop by at dinner time, you were welcome to stay for dinner. Mary, she'd say, set another place at the table. Some times there would be a mish-mosh (is that a word?) of tables snaking through the downstairs rooms due to the fact that my Mom could not turn away a single soul. For a moment or two, it would drive me nuts as I envisioned all the extra work involved. But, once the guests started talking and laughing, I, too, was happy to have a crowd. It was wonderful fun - a celebration of life and love.
Many days as I walk along singing - and especially when I need it the most - I happen to look down at my feet and there lying in the dirt I see one of these pennies. I know it is from heaven and I always lean over and pick it up. I say, Thanks Mom, and I smile.
Although I don't have all the word or have them in perfect order (remember life isn't suppose to be perfect) here is a little bit of the song:
Don't you know each cloud contains, pennies from heaven.
You'll find your fortune falling all of the time, make sure your umbrella is upside down.
If you want the things you love,
you must have showers,
so when you hear it thunder don't run under a tree,
they'll be pennies from heaven for you and for me.
When the clouds came along in her life, my mother kept looking and hoping for the pennies from heaven that were sure to follow. She would always make sure that her umbrella was upside down; she had faith and she wanted to me ready when the good stuff arrived.
Love You Mommie

Oh Mary Beth your lovely post reminded me so much of MY mom! She would never walk past a penny on the ground - it was considered a gift. I have a ring that's made out of a penny in her honor. Isn't it awesome when you can just feel the family ties? Love your posts!
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