So we are going to Tampa on Tuesday. Although I should be thrilled at the prospect of fun in the sun for a full 8 days, I have my usual mixed feelings. First of all I do not like to fly. It is difficult for me to contemplate the fact that I am flying in thin air in a tightly contained silver tube (a very heavy silver tube at that) at the total mercy of someone else. What if I decide I need to get out of there? Once those doors shut and the wheels leave the ground, there is no turning back. You are in there for the duration.
I am also a great worrier. I worry about all the people I am leaving behind at home. What if they get sick, what if they need me/us? This is how I was raised. # 1 - I was taught never to trust anything mechanical and # 2 you are not safe any place but home. But you know what, I'm going to be 65 in less than a month and I think it is time to let go. I shall relax, I shall trust the people who have maintained the plane and the pilots who are flying the plane and I shall believe that my loved ones at home are capable of taking care of themselves while we are away. This is probably one of the best things I can do for lent since it requires great discipline on my part and is a tremendous challenge.
The best part of the trip for me is spending time with people I care about while we are away. Actually I will be seeing my cousin, Sharon, on the beach in Clearwater, visiting our friends from Albany who now live in Sarasota, visiting my cousin, Tom, who lives just outside of Tampa and even getting to have dinner with my brother, Charlie, and his wife Ellen as they arrive in Florida the day before we leave to come home. Ellen loves the Yankees and will get to see 3 games while she is in the area. I like baseball too, but being an old Brooklyn Dodger fan, it has to be anyone but the Yankees for me.
Got to pack.
PS. By the way, isn't it ironic that I'm scared silly to fly and my better half has his pilot's license.
Mary Beth
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