Monday, September 2, 2024

Who is Trump?

Some family members and friends want me to give specific examples of why I believe Donald Trump is NOT the right person to lead our country forward but when I do that they cry “ Fake News” or accuse me of listening to certain news channels that they don’t approve of and don’t believe. I pride myself on giving people the benefit of the doubt and on judging others on my own personal experiences with the individual in question. For example, if I hear from someone that a certain teacher is a “ lousy” teacher, I try my best not to let their opinion sway me. I’d rather see for myself before forming an opinion. In 2016 when Trump was running for President, I happened to stop in to my neighbors’ garage sale and I noticed a cardboard box filled with comic books and a few paperbacks. My neighbor said she was bringing them to the Salvation Army since the sale was almost over and they hadn’t sold. She told me to take anything I wanted “ free of charge “ since it would make the box easier for her to transport. There were a couple of Calvin and Hobbs comics and lo and behold a few paperbacks written by Donald J. Trump. I wasn’t a fan but I thought possibly reading a couple of his books might help me to see him in a different light. The philosophy expressed in these poorly written books was enough to turn my stomach. In a nutshell (no pun intended) his life’s philosophy and the strategies he recommended for getting gluttonously Rich was basically “ screw your neighbor” if you need to in order to achieve your goal. One of his books is actually entitled, “Think Big and Kick Ass”! I have also listened to the words out of Donald Trump’s own mouth and observed how he treats other human beings and quickly came to realize his values and behavior is totally unacceptable. I don’t hate him and I was NOT gleeful or happy that a deranged young man attempted to assassinate him. But, I believe that Donald Trump, himself, has serious mental issues and is not Presidential material. If you want examples, I can provide them, but I feel that doing so will not change your opinion about this man. It appears that his followers are so truly indoctrinated by his lies and some sort of weird power he seems to hold over them that I would be wasting my own valuable time. Even he said, “ I could shoot someone and not loose voters”. Who would want to support a person who would say such a thing?

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