Wednesday, August 1, 2018

The Decker Brothers - Part 5

Whenever I’ve relived those terrifying minutes in my mind, I’ve also wondered what exactly precipitated this horrendous brawl in the first place. I imagined that the guys were fighting over who was going to be with who. You know, I imagined them saying something like “I want Sharon” or “ I want Dorothy”. I guess I was lacking in self esteem because I never imagined any of the guys saying, “ I want Mary”.  I was just beginning to emerge from the rather awkward "between childhood and adulthood stage" and I felt lanky, and ugly.  I could picture Golden, Lyle and Stanley expressing strong preferences over which girl they wanted and when an agreement could not be reached, I pictured them slugging it out to see who would “win”. I’ve heard that guys do things like that. Whatever the reason, it was a rather violent confrontation - a real knock-down, drag out fight. This was something I had honestly never witnessed before in my short life and, as you can see, it frightened the hell out of me and left a lasting impression.
I had one other scenario that played out in my brain. And, this was it: Since there were other young males hanging around this dilapidated old house in the back woods, could we possibly have been viewed as three young girls ripe for the picking? I’d like to believe “our three young man” were defending our honor. At 16, I was still very naive and innocent, albeit a bit stupid!
I don’t remember exactly what happened next, although I have a rather vague recollection of us yelling desperately towards the house ( we left the hood of the vehicle momentarily - it was tiring holding onto a smooth surface with no handles and we needed to stretch ourselves out to recover our strength).
There followed some rather dramatic begging on our part, we cried out in desperation, “ oh please, please take us back, we want to get out of here. Please, please, take us back now. “ I think we were praying and I was probably crying!
Our prayers and our pleas were answered as the guys circled back around the weeds in front of the house, and we ascended to our perch on the hood of the car and headed back down the road. When we reached the part of the road where we first met the “Hillbillies” ( the name they were given when our experience became a Family Legend ), we insisted they stop and let us off the car. There was absolutely no way we wanted our family to see us driving on the hood of a car! We dismounted our “ chariot” and walked hastily towards Scott’s Farmhouse in the distance, all the while excitedly discussing what we had just experienced together.
The story is not over yet. So what happened next? To be continued....

1 comment:

  1. Scott's Farmhouse
    The top photo is from August 1961,
    the photo below is from July 2018
