SAN Francisco, California
January 31st, 1952
Mrs. Marie O’Donnell
73 Linden S.
Brooklyn 21, New York
Dear Marie:
Though I did not see your husband at the moment he was killed, - - - I usually stay at the aid or collecting Station because otherwise it would not be possible to see all the wounded - - - I talked to a Sergeant who was there, and who did see him. His full name is Sergeant Fred E. Tillison, NG 33 915 816, also of Company A, and whose home address is: 311 9th Street, Columbus, Ga. I will give you the information as the Sergeant told it to me.
“ Lieutenant O’Donnell was leading the platoon in the attack on Hill 1100. While in the attack the platoon was pinned down by hand-grenades ( thrown by the enemy ) and, smaller arms fire. In order to neutralize this fire the Lieutenant led two machine gun squads around the left side of Hill 1100; and after a 45 minute fire fight there, he started to pull his men back. After the
Men started back, Lieutenant O’Donnell followed along the ridge. While following along this ridge an enemy mortar round came in, wounding him fatally. He did not regain consciousness. Sergeant Wright and Private First Class May carried him behind a big rock and the medic, Sergeant Bailey went to him immediately. He held the Lieutenant in his lap as he died.
Marie, if you wish to correspond with these men, simply address their letters to Company A, 38th Infantry Regiment, APO 248 c/o Postmaster, San Francisco California. Sergeant Wright the medic, however, belongs to the 38th Medical Company, APO 248 Postmaster, San Francisco, California, and any correspondence to him should carry that address. On a separate piece of paper, I will give the home addresses of all of them, so that you may still contact them, even if they should be rotated or transferred.
Our Lord has laid a heavy cross upon you, Marie, but I am sure that with God’s help, you will be able to rear your children successfully. Always keep alive in them the memory of their good and brave father. Remind them frequently how loving and kind he was to you and them, and how he prayed the rosary daily to honor Our Blessed Mother. And finally how he went to mass and received Holy Communion before going into battle and to his death. The knowledge of all these things will have a great influence upon their lives for good. And so, they will beat with them not just the flesh and blood which their good father helped to give them, but also qualities of mind and heart that reflect his devotion to aGod and his family.
I hope some day to pay you and the children a visit. In the meantime, may God bless you all.
James R. Meder
Catholic Chaplain
Sergeant William G. Wright, US 55 102 008
R.R. #3 Columbus, Wisconsin
Private First Class Bernie R. May
US 53 032 068
Route # 1, Union Springs, Alabama
Sergeant Robert L. Bailey, US 53 082 709
c/o Mr. H. C. Bailey
Union Mills, Route # 2 North Carolina
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