Friday, June 10, 2011

A Wedding Shower

I will be attending a wedding shower tomorrow and it has me thinking about the topic of love and marriage.  They go together like a horse and carriage, now don't they?
Recently I heard a homily about love and about faith and I thought it was very interesting and very true.   The "feeling" of love, like the feeling of faith, can be fleeting and fickle and can wax and wain. 
When I was young I use to think that as soon as my "feelings"were gone then that meant I no longer loved that person.   I would break up with the guy or he would break up with me and I would be looking for "love" again.  After awhile I realized that this "feeling", although exciting and exhilarating, was not all there is to "love".    
I know it doesn't sound terribly romantic but I believe that when a couple marry they basically make a decision to love each other.  They take a vow to continue to make the decision to love each other each and every day even when the "feelings" of love aren't there.   They know that love is an action verb and so they continue to put one foot in front of the other and walk the walk. 

1 comment:

  1. In the words of Clint Black, "Love isn't something that we have, it's something that we do." Beautiful song and very true!
