I have had a busy day so I am too tired to write down all the little stories floating around in my head. It is exciting to me to have all these stories in my head - I never get bored this way as there is always another story. I have stories about my grandfathers, stories about my youth, stories about my old boyfriends, stories about nursing school days, stories about my husband and our rocky first year of marriage. Speaking of our first year of marriage - My brother-in-law sent us a card on our first anniversary. It was truly priceless. I only regret that I threw it away. It is probably the only thing I ever threw away as I have more memorabilia than just about any person I know. Well anyway, on the front of the card there was a picture from an old movie. I think it was Clark Gable and his leading lady (don't know who she was). They were dragging themselves out of the desert. They were were leaning on each other, their clothes were torn and ragged-looking. They appeared dirty, sweaty and exhausted. In plain English, they looked like hell. Inside the card it said, Glad to see you two made it through the year. I remember thinking, Gee, was it really that obvious. Well as I said at the beginning, I had a very busy day. I am having a dinner party for 11 tomorrow evening and I had to shop and clean and cook so I will share some of the first year of marriage stories another day.