Reflecting on this monumental birthday:
Today, March 9th 2025 at 1:20PM, I turned 80 years old. It’s difficult to get these words out, no less comprehend how that happened. I’m now in the “very elderly” category. Feelings are flooding over me- I’m experiencing an avalanche of thoughts and memories. I’m driven to write them down in an attempt to come to terms with and understand this part of my life.
This is all new to me as I was never here before. As a matter of fact I probably never even envisioned what life would be like at this grand old age - the golden years ( who the hell are they kidding?! ) I’m not sure of the best way to document my feelings and I’ve hesitated to start, but the only way to start is “to actually start.”Therefore, I will let my mind brainstorm and see what surfaces.
Recently I have attended several 80th birthday celebrations - one for a High School friend, one for a longtime friend and one in honor of my cousin.
I guess you could say we’re lucky to have made it to this ripe old age, and I acknowledge that. Nonetheless, there is pain and heartache attached to this age. I’ve said goodbye to so many of the previous generations-mother, father, aunts and uncles, brother, cousins, friends, nursing school comrades. In some ways, it’s as if I have no past. I miss the phone calls from my mother and my father and my aunts, I miss the ability to seek them for wise counsel, or just a willing ear to listen to the mundane activities of an ordinary day. And, more and more in the presence of the younger generations, I feel superfluous. Their eyes and actions and words mirror back to me my elderly status. I’m seen as someone who needs extra help, both physically and mentally. I appreciate the help but it also reinforces a very vivid picture of “old lady “ that is being mirrored back to me. We live in an age of rapid technological advances, and what used to require the simple turning of a knob on a small screened, boxy TV set now requires multiple remotes and an unending array of different viewing sites. I feel like I need to seek out higher education in order to watch my favorite shows. Luckily my husband of 53 years knows how to navigate the remotes better than I can.
It seems that I spend a great chunk of my diminishing years visiting a vast array of specialists. I have a different doctor for every part of my body.
A Gastroenterologist for GERD(Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease) and IBS(Irritable Bowel Syndrome) a Cardiologist for high blood pressure, and high cholesterol, an Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist (ENT) for sinus issues, an Endocrinologist for Osteoporosis and Adult Onset Diabetes. Add a Dermatologist, and an Orthodontist, Oral Surgeon, an Ophthalmologist and a Physical Therapist to the list and you can see how keeping body and soul together uses up a great deal of one’s time and energy.
Turning 80 has a way of bringing this question to the forefront of my mind , “Will this be the last time I do this ? For example, when I’m repacking the Christmas Ornaments and placing them on their designated shelf in our basement. Or when we head off in our car for our annual trip to Florida for a month during the winter. The drive seems to get longer and longer every years even though the actual mileage doesn’t change. Our joints get stiffer, eyesight weaker, bathroom breaks more frequent. The amount of equipment I need simply to hold my body and soul together is becoming overwhelming- water pick, electric toothbrush, nasal wash bottles, distilled water and saline packets, heating pads, multiple medications, prescription creams and ointments, orthotics, back pillows, bed pillows for positioning myself to avoid back pain.
I guess I’ve reflected enough on turning 80 for one night and an old woman like me needs her sleep 😴 so I’ll say goodnight and reflect again another day. Next time I’ll try to focus on the things an 80 year old can still do and enjoy 😊!
Love ❤️ you all