Tuesday, January 30, 2024

My Father’s High School Graduation

My Father 👨‍🎓 graduates from Bushwick High School in 1933. Here he poses with his Mom and Dad on the side of his house at 8 Vermont Avenue ( eventually 64 Interboro Parkway and now Jackie Robinson Parkway. My Dad’s High School “ History” is an interesting one. It was strongly recommended that he go to seminary pre-school up in Garrison, New York to become an OFM Capuchin Friar (a Catholic Priest) to basically replace his Uncle Charlie who died of a flu pneumonia (the infamous flu of 1918 )a couple of months before he was to be ordained! At the start of his Junior year, when he arrived at the seminary in Garrison, he told the uncle that escorted him all the way up from Brooklyn, that he didn’t want to stay. He came back home from upstate and his Dad had to frantically search for a school so he could continue his High School education. He entered Bushwick HS where he met the 1st of his two lifelong friends, Joe Mule. Joe Mule encouraged my Dad to go to Brooklyn College with him after HS where he met his 2nd lifelong friend, Nick Pascarelli. My Dad said by Junior year he knew he wanted girls in his life and decided a celebrate priesthood was not for him!! Good for me I guess

My Fries Grandparents Purchase Their First Set of Wheels

My grandparents are very proud with their purchase of the family’s first car in the early 1930s. Their sons, Charlie and Joe, share in the day, albeit, looking rather serious. My Dad always joked that he still had and wore the suit he got in High School - I found out later it wasn’t far from the truth

Friday, January 26, 2024

Brooklyn ltr Aug 31, 1936

Brooklyn NY Aug 31 1936 Amadisima mia, Well I finally got myself to sit down long enough to write a letter. First of all, I want to thank you for your card and letter. I am, of course glad to hear that you arrived safely and that you are having a good time. I spoke to your father this evening, and he told me about the weanie roast, square dancing, and the nightly house parties. You sure are having some vacation and I don't blame you or the family for wanting to stay up there a few more weeks. In fact, I think I am going to jump a freight and hitch-hike my way up there too. In regard to that house party, you said that you didn't get home till three in the morning. Don't you think that is a fine time to come home? Such a "stay-out" !! Did you forget that I used to have you home by 12 every time we went out? I thought that the whole town was quiet and all the 20 or 30 inhabitants were in bed by 10 PM. I must have been mistaken eh? Well anyway I hope that the farmer boys were, and will be good to you and that you don't teach them too many tricks. I certainly would like to have been at Rosine's dance. Don't you think our gang would be a little "too fast" for the hicks up there? While writing about Rosina, I want to send her my love. You can also give her "un beso" for me. You you might tell Maureen that I'll have it out with her in regard to that !!* ?! card she sent me. In the past four days, I've had three radio jobs(and they were cash customers) and I intend to pick up one tomorrow and another on Wednesday. The gang went to the airport the other evening, and we watched the aeroplanes come and go. So you see there's not much doing in the city, (especially when all the pretty girls are in the country). Con mucho amor y besos a mi novia para siempre. XXXX Charlie P.S. Do you remember, sweetheart, that little incident in the train where I promise to be good for the two weeks? Well, I've been good up till now, and I probably can stretch it to two weeks but I'm sure I can't be good a third week. So you see you had better come home by the 6th or _ _ _ _ _ . otros besos XXXX Charlie

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Friendsville-August 30, 1936

A bit of poetry from Rosina, Rita, and dear little Moo From the ville of friends we write We wish you were here to enjoy the site 'Tis on August 30th of the'36 year That we take up our pens to write our dears. Charming Charlie and Jolly Joe, We love you both, I guess you know. Today it's bitter and cold in these parts But thoughts of you cheer and warm our hearts. Last night to a hot dog roast we went And a most enjoyable evening we spent We danced till twelve in the parish hall John, the Baptist, the fiddler was there to call. Square dancing sure is a lot of fun, When one dances with a farmer's handsome son; But a policeman's son wouldn't be half bad If only a few of them could be had. The harvest moon dance is Wednesday night We hope the moon will be shining bright Cards the elder people will play We hope mother, a prize will carry away. Poor dad has gone home alone today He'll be back for us next week we pray Last week we visited the county seat And it certainly was a rare treat To the county jail and courthouse we went Thank goodness there a short time we spent we had lots of fun in town We went to every soda shop around. Out with the camera we went today To snap some pictures, while on our way Upon the tomb stones we posed serene While each in turn snapped the peaceful scene. If the pictures are very good we'll send you one, do you think we should? By the way, how is Baby, Joe? Will you give no other a show? We hope and pray each night you will
For if you don't, you'll make us ill. But maybe Charlie can mend our tender hearts Before they're broken into a million parts. Well, I guess this is enough for us to write So we'll close and say good night. Loads of love and kisses and hugs too. From the three of us, to the two of you. Rosina, Rita, and dear little Moo P.S. Please write to us in poetry too, If you don't we'll feel quite blue R.R.M.

Monday, January 15, 2024

August 7, 1936 Letter from Friendsville

                                           Susq Co
                                                      Aug 25, 1936
Mon Cher Ami,
           I finished a letter to your sister before supper, and since I’m trying to get all my correspondence finished at once, I’ve decided to write to you, also.I’m in hopes this will give you ample time to answer before I go back. 
            I had a most enjoyable trip up. It didn’t seem any time before I reached Scranton, and the folks were there with open arms to greet me. That evening I went to a house party held near Endicott, NY, a city about 15 or 20 miles from Friendsville. Some drive to a party, don’t you think? We had a very good time square dancing, - so good we didn’t come home till three in the morning. My cousins Rosina and Maryrose both stayed at Grandma’s over night. Then Rosina’s mother and Dad came over after her and I went back with her. 
( Gee, this sounds like a daily dairy but I really don’t know what else to write about.) Well, last night I went on a “weanie roast”. I wish you could have been here to help me roast my dogs. 
Tomorrow night Rosina is holding a dance in their hall up over the store. It is to be in our honor, and the whole country side is invited. We sent over thirty cards. It’s too bad our gang couldn’t be up for it, too. I still think you ought to try to come up for even a day or so.  This weekend there is going to be another hot dog roast and next a dance.  So you see there’d be somethin’ to go to if you came. I haven’t got much more so I’ll close for now. 
                  Avec d’amour beau-coup and xxxx,
P.S. I started this yesterday but you see I didn’t get time  to finish. We had a nice storm last night. By nice I mean no thunder or lightning. We had a thunderstorm Sunday evening and Rosina and I were saying our Rosary and stirring fudge at the same time. My Uncle got a big kick out of us. Today we were visiting and had a swell chicken dinner. I’ll be so fat that when you see me you won’t know me. I’m going to run over to the post office with this so I’ll be sure it gets mailed. 
                  With best regards to all
                           (especially you)

Thursday, January 11, 2024

Charles A. Fries does not make Cooper Union

                            829 Quincy St.

                             Brooklyn, NY 

                              July 31, 1933

Dear Charles,

I suppose it is proper for me to write and express my regrets concerning your bad luck at Cooper. However, frankly and truthfully speaking, I’m tickled. I received my card the same morning. With reference to seeing you I cannot set any particular day.  The reason is that I expect to go away for a week upstate and as yet I don’t know which week. You can however drop me a card informing me of the day and hour you again except to go to the Bushwick. If I am home and receive the card I will meet you before the theater and go with you. If I do not get the card you might try again in about a week when I will be sure to receive it. I received your card from Washington and I hope you had a pleasant as well as an interesting trip. So, until then I’ll be saying so-long. 

                             Joseph Mule’

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Little stories My Aunt Margie shared with me

 On Wednesday, September 26th, 2007

Aunt Margie told me that she lived on the 2nd floor at 1017 Putnam Avenue in Brooklyn, NY. Margie’s Uncle Frank O’Donnell and his wife, Nellie (Cotter) lived on the 3rd floor in the same building. Margie would go for Sunday car rides with Uncle Frank and she remembered urging Uncle Frank to go faster. She also remembered Uncle Frank taking her (Margie) to NYC at Christmas time to see Santa 🎅 and all the toys. Uncle Frank also took Margie to visit at Anne Kreb’s house in Ridgewood. Aunt Margie also remembers babysitting for Noel Krebs and taking him to Highland Park and to downtown Brooklyn to the Movies 🎥.  Margie said it was the “ talk of the town” when Noel Krebs started a fire 🔥 in his apartment. After the fire 🔥, Noel’s family had to stay downstairs in TJ and Margaret’s apartment until their apartment was repaired.  Warner lived with his other grandmother. Margie remembers living first on Ralph Ave and then Jefferson Ave.and possibly Howard Ave as a baby. She also remembers living in a different house on Putnam Ave before moving into 1017 Putnam Ave. She got married to Bill Foulkes  from 1017 Putnam Ave and she remembers Bill saying he “took me out of the slums” since he lived across from Prospect Park. Margie said she met Bill at a Knight’s of Columbus dance in Prospect Park. There were dances there every Sunday. At first she said she wouldn’t dance with Bill but then after the dance was over he asked her to go out for something to eat and she said she was hungry and went!!! Lol 😂 

Bill Foulkes and Tom McPartland, another fireman, opened a Real Estate office together and eventually Bill took it over.

Margie went to Friendsville Pa in August. She remembers staying 1/2 of the summer in Brooklyn and 1/2 the summer in Pennsylvania. TJ would go up in August and stay a few days in Pennsylvania. Margie remembers coming up the road from St. Joseph into Friendsville and taking a right turn before the Friendsville Church then going about a block up from Maurice and Kathleen Fitzgerald’s general store and Grandma Hannah Coleman’s house was on the right side of the road. Across the street there was a school in which the country cousins would go back to classes in August. Margie would go back to this school with them and she loved it because she “ was like a celebrity “. 

Margie also remembers going to school in Lawton, Pa over Easter vacation. She said the High School and the Elementary School were altogether in one space. She remembers sleeping with Nonie and Ruth Geary                   upstairs in Grandma Hannah’s house. She said there were no toilets, only slop pots and an outhouse. There was no electricity and they used Kerosene lamps. There was a back room that contained a bathtub like “ in the movies” and once a week the water would be heated up on the stove and you’d get a bath.  She remembers a sitting room in Grandma’s house that was always perfectly organized. There was also a wood burning stove in the big kitchen. The kitchen also contained something that was “sort of like a couch “. She remembers it because she remembers a time when there was a mouse and my grandma Margaret ( Margie’s mother ) jumped up on the couch and then Margie jumped up on the couch too. 

Margie remembers there was a front porch on Hannah’s house and that all Hannah’s children were already married at this point in time. Margie remembers that she went to some dances in Friendsville and once again, remembers feeling like “ a big celebrity from the city.”

Margie recalled that Eddie Moran, my Aunt Anne’s country boyfriend, came to her wedding in January 1950. She also remembers that Eddie came to Brooklyn during the 1939 World ‘s Fair.  She said that she ( meaning Aunt Anne ) was in love with him. 

I believe she was in love with him. The only photo I found in Aunt Anne’s nightstand after she died was a little snapshot of her and Eddie. 

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

A bit of a Nightmare

 Friday, December 29, 2023 

  • I want to see the both dogs’ vaccination records ( both  dogs - the male German Shepherd named Bear and the female German Shepherd named Koala) 
  • I do want these dogs walking outside without being on leashes
  • I want all my expenses related to this unprovoked attack paid for 
  • I want the dog owners to be required not to leave dogs in the car with windows down so this could happen again to someone else 
  • I want the dog owners required to attend dog training classes and responsible dog owners training 

I was walking out the front door of Walgreens Drug store this afternoon after buying some extra strength Tylenol for my son who had surgery on his right hand this morning.  My husband and son were waiting in our vehicle one row back. I walked between two vehicles as Walgreens does not have a walking path in front of the store and cars are permitted to park directly in front of the exit. A dog in the back seat of the car parked to the left of the exit lunged at me from the back window and bit my left arm through my long sleeved shirt and fleece.  It bleed like a pig and the cashier at the front of the store grabbed brown paper towels and I applied pressure.  I was seated in a car outside the pharmacy area and a staff member stayed with me and gave me bottled water 💦 Colonie EMS responded and put a pressure bandage on my injury to stop the bleeding.  Police 👮‍♀️ were also called and responded.   I was taken by ambulance to Albany Medical Center ER but the ER was indescribably crowded beyond anything you could imagine. My daughter and grandson picked me up from the ER and we called Albany Memorial ER and they advised that there was literally a mere 5 hour wait there.  After stopping home to change my blood soaked shirt and fleece, my Daughter called WellNow urgent care in Latham and when they heard the wound was still bleeding, they agreed to see me as soon as I arrived.  The wound was washed out with saline and antiseptic solution and I was given 5 stitches and a tetanus injection and 10 days of a high dose antibiotics.   

A freak, unexpected attack.  The instant I heard a vicious growl I had a fleeting sense of safety believing the window must be up but the next second I felt his nasty bite on my flesh, through the heavy fleece and long sleeve shirt beneath it.  This photo was taken at WellNow in the Latham Circle  three hours later. FYI the care rendered at WellNow was superb.  I admit, I was scared 😟

There was a man sitting in the driver’s seat (dog owner) in the front seat of the vehicle.  I simply walked past the car and the dog barked viciously and lunged his head out the window and bite me in the shoulder.  I screamed he bit me as I walked one row back to the car my husband and son were sitting in. I pulled off me fleece and rolled up my sleeve to see. The owner came over to our vehicle and said, did he break skin ?  There was immediate blood and bruising so my instinct was to go back into Walgreens and ask for help - by then the blood was saturating my shirt and dripping on the floor. The young female cashier grabbed some brown paper towels and I began to apply pressure to stop the bleeding. 

Another employee escorted me back to a seat outside the pharmacy area and stayed right next to me. I became very thirsty and asked for water and someone brought me cold bottled water. Colonie EMS were called and arrived in minutes. Michael, the younger EMT, 

applied gauze and a gauze pressure wrap, and I was advised to seek medical attention. It was decided that AMC was the best choice because it was a trauma center and I was taken by ambulance to the AMC ER. My husband Bob was dealing with our son Brian who had had just had a surgery for removal of a growth on his right palm ( Brian was still groggy from anesthesia and his right arm was in a sling and completely numb from a block. At one point while I was sitting outside the pharmacy inside of Walgreens, the owner of the dog came in and when he saw the condition of my arm he recoiled and said, “ oh jeez “ but immediately started to dispute what I was saying about the incident. Animal control arrived and took a statement and the police were called but I was already on the way to the hospital in the ambulance when they arrived ( as per the store manager). The Walgreen manager, Ken,  had taken information from me and shared it with the police. 

Other important information I want to save: This morning, Tuesday, January 2, 2024, Bob and I spoke to Jim Ainscoe, Colonie Animal Control Officer and we were told that Bear “ the dog that bit me ( I didn’t even know that there were two dogs in the back seat so I’m not sure how they know which of the two dogs actually did the biting and therefore I want to know with certainty that both dogs are up to date with their required vaccinations. I want to see these vaccination records myself- and I was told by Jim Aniscoe that I cannot get them!! I was told that Bear was vaccinated on 6-09- 2021 and it is good for three years.  For this reason and for other reasons I submitted a Dangerous Animal Complaint.  My statement and photos were faxed to Jim Ainscoe at 518-786-7326.