When it became obvious that we were not budging from the “safety” of the
car hood ( as if that somehow protected us ), the boys got back in the
vehicle and we began to move again. Us girls exhaled a combined sigh of
relief as we drove past Blueberry Lake and onto another slightly larger
road, assuming we were on our way back “home”. We were looking longingly
for any sign of civilization, when the car pulled hastily up on the
shrub grass alongside a rather dilapidated old house. We came to an
unexpected and abrupt halt and before we could ask any questions, the
guys jumped out of the car and ran into the house. Sharon, Dorothy and I
looked at each other and realized we all wore the same expression of
total and complete terror. Being alone for the first time since we began
this “adventure”, we quickly began discussing a plan for our escape.
Our conversation stopped midstream, when all of a sudden we heard a loud
and boisterous brawl coming from inside the house. The next thing we
witnessed was a couple of guys being literally punched out the front
door and knocked to the ground. If you think we were scared before, it
was nothing to what we were feeling now.
To be continued....
P. S. One of these photos above may or may not have been the Decker Brothers' House back in the era of 1961. When a person is in shock, she doesn't think clearly. These houses, however, were occupied by "Deckers" and are located on H.Decker Rd. in the vicinity of Blueberry Lake.
Tuesday, July 31, 2018
Monday, July 30, 2018
The Decker Brothers - Part 3
Within a matter of seconds, we began to regret our decision. We were not feeling a “ thrill on Blueberry Hill “ ( i. e., Blueberry Lake Road ) but rather a strong sense of foreboding. As we clung to the hood of the car in any way we could ( not an easy task in case you never tried it! ), the road got smaller and smaller very quickly and eventually turned into not much more than a rocky dirt path. ( The photo at the top of this Blog entry was actually taken on my recent trip back to Blueberry Lake. )
Golden, Lyle and Stanley stopped the car at one point and tried to entice us off the front of the vehicle. “ Don’t you want to get a closer look at the Lake? “ they coaxed us as we looked through a thickly forested area of trees slopping down to a well hidden lake below. “ No, that’s okay, we can see just fine from here.” Having no idea where we were or if we would we live through this hasty, poorly-thought-out decision, we added as calmly as we could, “ We should probably be heading back to the Farmhouse as our family might be wondering where we are.” Even at the tender age of 16, the truth of the matter was, we still had brains in our heads. It didn’t take us long to realize that we were sitting ducks for any number of terrible outcomes - rape, murder, and total disappearance off the face of the earth. We were completely lost and out in the middle of nowhere, not one person saw us hop on the hood of the car, we knew absolutely nothing about these three young guys who had literally “picked us up” along the side of a secluded, deserted country road. We were at their mercy and powerless. They were stronger than us physically and were now basically in complete control of our lives.
To be continued....
Saturday, July 28, 2018
The Decker Brothers - Part 2
(Golden, Stanley and Lyle Decker L to R, August 1961)
a few minutes of chatter the boys asked us to go for a ride with them.
“Oh no, absolutely not” we answered emphatically. “We’re forbidden to
get into a car with boys”. Yet, we didn’t want to let go of this
opportunity for some excitement and “romance” and we couldn’t bear the
thought of passing up on this adventure. After all, the scenery and
fresh air alone gets a bit boring when one is 16 years old. But, how
could we get around this dilemma - we didn’t want to disobey a direct
command from my parents. So the three of us girls huddled together off
to the side, discussing how we could handle this situation while the
Decker Brothers waited patiently and threw in a word or two of
encouragement. They mentioned their exciting plan to take us to a
nearby lake known as “Blueberry Lake”. The lyrics of a popular song
started running through my mind, “ I found my thrill on Blueberry
Hill...” It seemed providential!
worries”, they said, “it is really close by and you won’t even have to
disobey your parents, you can just ride on the hood of the car instead.”
When you’re 16 years old and on summer vacation at a Lake, and three
handsome young men magically appear, this solution sounds totally
reasonable. So, we hopped up on the hood of their car, and before you
could wink an eye, down some country road and deep into the woods we
To be continued.....

Wednesday, July 25, 2018
The Decker Brothers
The summer of 1961 we came up from Brooklyn, NY for a week at Scott’s farmhouse on Lake Oquaga. I just turned 16 years old that March and was feeling so grownup and ready for some real “adult” excitement. My parents generously allowed me to bring my 16 year old cousin, Sharon, and my 15 year old life-long friend, Dorothy, along for the week. We willingly jammed into one double bed in a tiny little bedroom on one side of the farmhouse. There was one window overlooking the field to the left of the house and we initially spent a lot of time gazing out this window, sharing our dreams of a future that stood wide open before us. None of us had a driver’s license yet but since we were already well into our teens, we were allowed to wander around the lake pretty much at will. Our only real instructions were that under no circumstances were we to get into a car with any boys. “Okay, we’ve got it” we said as we left the farmhouse to do some exploring of the local surroundings. Down the Oquaga Lake Rd we walked heading past Scott’s Family Resort as we talked incessantly and admired the beautiful trees and green countryside and fresh smelling air all around us. We eventually stopped for awhile along the side of the road. A few minutes later a car drove by heading up the hill. The next thing we knew, the car had stopped and was beginning to back down the hill to where we were sitting on the guardrail.
The three young men in the vehicle started to talk to us and eventually pulled the car over to the side of the road and got out. Sharon, Dorothy and I were delighted with their attention and responded enthusiastically with coy smiles and naive flirtations. They told us they were brothers and that their names were Golden, Lyle and Stanley Decker. I don’t know how the guys figured out who was interested in who but almost immediately it seemed that three couples had been established - Golden was for Sharon, Lyle was for me and Stanley was Dorothy’s fellow. I was delighted with this arrangement since Lyle was the guy that made my 16 year old heart melt. I thought he was adorable and I couldn’t believe he might be interested in me. Who knows, possibly I wasn’t really the one he wanted but even to this day, I’d rather believe I was his pick!
The Night we fled the Cottage in Terror
Sharon, Diane and Renee, This is the cottage we fled with butcher knives drawn, when, one dark, eerie summer night Marie thought she heard a prowler circling the cottage. We ran frantically from the cottage to the car, screamed to each other to lock the car doors and miraculously escaped stabbing each other. I laid on the floor of the back seat of the car shouting out the rosary as we tumbled all over each other on our way around the lake to the farmhouse where our Grandpa TJ O’Donnell was staying with other family members. TJ was annoyed as hell when we woke him up in the middle of the night. Sharon and I refused to go back to our tiny cabin in the woods and stayed the rest of the night in the farmhouse. Brave Diane and Renee and my Aunt Marie went back to the cottage with the Prowler! I believe my Dad and or Uncle Bill Foulkes went back with them to make sure the coast was clear. This was an event in my life that stuck securely and clearly in my mind!!
Sharon, Diane and Renee, This is the cottage we fled with butcher knives drawn, when, one dark, eerie summer night Marie thought she heard a prowler circling the cottage. We ran frantically from the cottage to the car, screamed to each other to lock the car doors and miraculously escaped stabbing each other. I laid on the floor of the back seat of the car shouting out the rosary as we tumbled all over each other on our way around the lake to the farmhouse where our Grandpa TJ O’Donnell was staying with other family members. TJ was annoyed as hell when we woke him up in the middle of the night. Sharon and I refused to go back to our tiny cabin in the woods and stayed the rest of the night in the farmhouse. Brave Diane and Renee and my Aunt Marie went back to the cottage with the Prowler! I believe my Dad and or Uncle Bill Foulkes went back with them to make sure the coast was clear. This was an event in my life that stuck securely and clearly in my mind!!
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